12/14/2020 0 Comments The Sunday Sermon: Rejoiceby the Reverend Sally S. Weaver
by the Reverend Dr. Warren Crews The opening words of Isaiah, chapter 40, in today’s lesson from the Hebrew scriptures tell of a conversation in the heavenly council about how miserable the Hebrew people are living in exile in Babylon as a punishment for their sins. God suddenly announces Israel has been punished enough. It is time to restore Israel. God’s opening words to the council, “Comfort, o comfort, my people” has been immortalized by Handel’s Messiah. In chapter 40, three different members of the heavenly council respond to God. The first one commands the construction of a great highway in the wilderness in which every valley shall be lifted up and every mountain and hill made low, and the rough places made plain. He is imagining a new direct road between Babylon and Jerusalem, as opposed to the very long northern detour around the great Syrian desert wilderness.
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