3664 Arsenal St., St. Louis, MO Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. (314) 772-3970
Looking for the livestream of a worship service? It's at the St. John's Facebook page.
Evening Prayer Service: Wednesday at 6:30 pm
St John’s Episcopal Church has existed since 1841 as a witness to God’s grace. We worship in an open, welcoming environment and serve the community with hospitality, gratitude, and generosity as we continue to grow in our faith and commitment to Jesus Christ.
WE BELIEVE our worship and prayers connect us to God and each other, that we are called and blessed to be attentive to the needs and strengths of our neighbors, that each person brings beauty and gifts that reveal God's goodness, and that all are welcome at God's table. WE WORSHIP in a traditional form that provides a safe, inclusive culture for all who seek Christ, welcoming everyone at our Communion table for a shared meal. WE SERVE God by serving each other, our neighbors, the hungry, the seekers and those who yearn for justice. |