At our May Vestry meeting, we approved the minutes from April. They're attached below for your review.
by the Reverend Michael Dunnigton Reverend Michael delivered this sermon on April 25, 2021. Often in Scripture, we find the shepherd presented as an ideal figure. It worked well as an image for the Hebrew people, since the keeping of sheep and other livestock was an occupation of their’s from time immemorial. Even in this 21st Century, I’m told, when a young Palestinian child chooses to imitate the sound of an animal, it’s more likely to be that of a sheep, and not a dog or cat or cow. Let’s review a few of the Scriptural stories which involve shepherds and shepherding.
by the Reverend Nancy Emmel Gunn Deacon Nancy delivered this sermon on April 18, 2021. Our Gospel today is set in the days right after Christ’s death and resurrection. Christ appears out of nowhere to his disciples and speaks: “Peace be with you.” The immediate response of the disciples is not joy or even astonishment. The Gospel writer says they thought they were seeing a ghost. Jesus responds, “Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet; see that it is I myself. Touch me and see; for a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have. “ For the disciples and for us, when God reveals himself to us, it may not be what we are looking for.
Editorial contactVarious members of the St. John's congregation contribute to this blog. For editorial suggestions, contact Jeff McIntire-Strasburg at [email protected] Archives
January 2025
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