by the Reverence Nancy Emmel Gunn Pastor Nancy preached this sermon on July 10, 2022 Editor's note: Normally, we'd publish the text of the sermon along with the video, but Pastor Nancy is having computer trouble... we'll get the text posted as soon as we can. The Reverend Nancy Emmel Gunn is Priest-in-Charge at St. john's.
by the Reverend Nancy Emmel Gunn Pastor Nancy preached this sermon on July 3, 2022. I missed you all last week. But I had a wonderful break. The sun and sky and water are very restorative. Of course, I heard about the Supreme Court’s decision last Friday overturning Roe v. Wade. But I waited until I got home to read the opinion. And as expected, it was troubling. In this first year as your new priest, I have avoided preaching about political matters. That is, in my view as it should be. Unless and until something comes up that causes us to question our government, our society, our way of life in view of Christ’s teaching. Jesus called out political leaders and institutions, but often did so in parables, perhaps to avoid charges of sedition. Of course, I am not gifted in this type of rhetoric, so I will make plain my concerns.
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