Who can take communion, and how do I receive it?
All baptized Christians may participate in the sacrament of Holy Communion, or the Eucharist.
We believe Holy Eucharist is an outward and visible sign (the bread and the wine) of an inward
and spiritual grace (participation in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ).
We believe Holy Eucharist is an outward and visible sign (the bread and the wine) of an inward
and spiritual grace (participation in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ).
On the first Sunday of every month, Communion is distributed at the high altar. If you cannot
manage the steps, please let an usher know and the priest will bring Communion to you. On all
other Sundays, Communion is distributed at the bottom of the steps.
manage the steps, please let an usher know and the priest will bring Communion to you. On all
other Sundays, Communion is distributed at the bottom of the steps.
To receive the Bread, place one hand over the other, palms up, and extend them to the priest.
Gluten-free wafers are available. The priest will place the wafer in your hands. To receive the
wine, assist the minister in guiding the cup to your lips. You may also dip the bread in the cup
(known as “intinction”), or choose not to receive the wine at all.
Gluten-free wafers are available. The priest will place the wafer in your hands. To receive the
wine, assist the minister in guiding the cup to your lips. You may also dip the bread in the cup
(known as “intinction”), or choose not to receive the wine at all.
For those who do not wish to drink the wine, grape juice is always available. We also have the
option of gluten-free wine. You are also invited to come to the altar to receive a blessing instead
of the elements. Simply cross your arms across your chest, and the priest will impart a blessing.
option of gluten-free wine. You are also invited to come to the altar to receive a blessing instead
of the elements. Simply cross your arms across your chest, and the priest will impart a blessing.